Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Behold The Wood

By:  Dan Schute, S.J.
Arr. by:  Ron Michael Alquisada

Behold, behold the wood of the cross.
On which is hung our salvation.
O come let us adore.

Unless a grain of wheat shall fall,
Upon the ground and die,
It shall remain but a single grain,
And not give life.

And when my hour of glory come,
As all was meant to be
You shall see me lifted up
Upon a tree.

For there can be no greater love,
Shown upon this land,
Than in the one who came to die
That we might live.

Blest be the Lord

BLEST BE THE LORD Dan Schutte Refrain: Blest be the Lord; blest be the Lord, The God of Mercy, the God who saves. I shall not fear, t...